

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and a lifetime experience for a woman. Right from conceiving, to the delivery and then the postpartum phase. It brings so many changes in the body and of course to the mind of a mother.

It was the second trimester and 24 weeks (to be precise) which was coming to an end for Tamara where she had started to feel the baby movements. The little shifts and soft kicks used to make her feel so happy and content.❤️❤️

She was grateful and full of gratitude to almighty and all the family members who were taking great care of her. She never thought that pregnancy can be so amazing making her feel complete and fulfilling.

For she had prayed day and night to God to bless her with a child and after trying for years, she got this news (when she had lost the hopes and it was all dark for her).😭💕

But, one day suddenly when she saw those 2 pink strong lines on the pregnancy testing kit, she was overjoyed and couldn’t be happier than ever, just by the thought of carrying the baby in her womb. The happiness and the feeling of motherhood became more stronger when she heard the heartbeat on the ultrasound machine for the first time and saw her baby who was only a size of a grain or dot.

For her, the pregnancy journey till the end of second semester stirred no major concerns or issues. She enjoyed every bit of it while taking utmost care of her and the growing baby. She was careful about each and everything she was having and what she was being told by her doctor.

Few weeks passed and then Tamara entered 3rd trimester. She had to go through some regular tests and scheduled checkup to ensure the pace of growth of the baby and the vitals are proper. At that moment, Tamara was a little worried as she had read and heard that this trimester is the most difficult phase for any mom to-be. Still she gave all the info. and samples for those tests and was assured that everything is on track and she should continue the way she has done till now.

In the evening, she was waiting for the test results to come while taking a walk in the park. Her cellphone rang and it was from the hospital lab. She immediately took the bench to sit and relax her thumping heart. She opened the attachment in her e-mail and started to going through each no. and range specified.

At this moment she was terrified of what would bring next. She immediately sent the report to her doctor and asked to explain it.

After a few minutes, she got a call from her doctor to meet with the reports asap. Tamara was nervous and those few minutes till she reached the doctor’s cabin were horrifying. All of the thoughts and weird assumptions were coming into her mind but she was trying to stay strong and not speculate anything.

She reached the hospital and told to wait for her turn to come. After waiting for about 30 minutes which was one of the most difficult minutes for her, she was called to meet her doctor.

She entered the cabin and doctor greeted her with a smile. ” What does my report say, doc?! Is everything good? Is my baby doing fine? Is there something I should be worried about?” She asked all kind of questions in a singal breath. ” Tamara, first of all you need to calm down yourself and be at ease. There is nothing to worry so far. But..” The doc said. ” But.. What doc?” ” Tamara, its a very common thing to have some ups and downs during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is very common and 6 out of 10 woman suffer from it. It doesn’t harm if you keep your sugar levels in check. Since you are in your 3rd trimester now, you need to be a little more careful and regulate your diet and activity. I will prescribe some meds which are completely safe to take and a diet chart. The only expectation at this time from you is to follow a proper diet, be a little active and be stress. Your baby is doing fine and be assured of that. Keep yourself positive and happy and we will vet through this.” The doctor explained and tried to comfort her.

Tamara smiled and thanked the doctor. She left soon after collecting all the meds and reports. Although she was sure everything is going tobe fine and she would do everything as told to have a healthy baby delivered when the time comes but deep inside there was one question that was ticking in her mind every now and then that night- “why did it happen to me? Did I do something wrong? Why I and my baby has to go through this?”

Thinking about the current situation made her to sulk and she felt restless. It was 2 AM and she woke up finally, took a walk around the house to make her feel better. She sat in the living room, gathered herself and told herself- ” Tamara, you need to be strong for your baby. You have got this and these efforts will be worth it once your baby will be by your side.

The next morning when she woke up with new energy. She had her meals at the specified time intervals and kept a check on the sugar levels. She did all sorts of efforts she could to have her sugar levels in control. With this, the weeks passed by and she was happy that the time is coming to meet her baby.

At week 38, she was curious that when she will be able have the baby in her arms while waiting in the hospital lobby for a regular check-up. ” “Tamara, you are doing good and so is the baby. Keep a track of the movements more often.”

Tamara excitedly asked when my baby is coming to which doc told her that she needs to wait a little more. Any time if she experiences any discomfort or pain, she can come to the hospital.

As she entered the week 39, she was nervous and fearful. There was no sign of labor and she was not able to understand why is that so. The doc told her that we can wait for few more days until there are some signs or else we need to induce and perform the surgery to get the baby out safely.

Tamara was in a dilemma and a difficult situation now. She wanted to have a natural birth but God had other plans. Half-heartedly she had to accept the decision of her family and underwent “C-section” to deliver the baby. But she was not afraid for even a moment that she will be going under the knife. She only wanted to have her baby in her arms. Happy and a healthy baby.

All went well and Tamara was finally with her baby in the hospital room. She held the baby and it was the bestest feeling. She had forgotten all the pain and difficulties. But then the surgery came with its perks. It was not easy at all for her to get back to normal. She had to be cautious all the time. After all she went through a major surgery.

Recalling all this while she was putting her 9-month baby to fall asleep gave her tears of joy. She felt accomplished and rewarded. But still got labeled as a “C-sec” Mom.

Thought: Even now, when people are educated, live in a civilized society and talk about big hot shot topics, has this narrow mindedness that haa been fed by our old conservative society. Stop bring judgemental and pinpointing about “C-sec” delivery. One never knows what a mother has to go though to land on such decision. Everyone is different and every mother has the right to choose how she wants to get her baby in this world. Normalize having a surgery based delivery. Its not at all easy cutting through 7 layers through your stomach and get the baby out abd seal everything back in. It comes with so much of other things post-delivery. Its a tough phase for a new mommy. When you see a new mommy taking a nap at odd hours of the day or she is a complete mess, please let her be. She is not lazy or anything else. She is trying to gather everything slowly. Just imagine if you had to go through something like this, would you expect a similar behaviour?! You would like people to be more caring and supportive. In the same way, she deserves all the support and attention. Please don’t give her labels. She is just a mom, mother, mommy, mamma etc. Please empathize with C-sec mom in the same way you do for the moms giving natural birth. Of course, you can’t change the thinking of the older generations because their times were different and they have limited knowledge and resources. But, you can be the change and help other to evolve for better.

Disclaimer: Tamara is a fictitious character and doesn’t hold any resemblance to anyone in reality.

I will come up with a new story soon.

Take care. Spread love and joy. ❤️❤️

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